
Are You Happy with Your Customer Development Efforts?

November 15, 2022 Selling Comments Off on Are You Happy with Your Customer Development Efforts?

The first question is: do you have an active customer development process? We use the term “customer development” in place of market development because I believe it brings more focus to the process. “Customer development” focuses on the customer rather than the much more intangible “market”. We believe people buy from people they know like and trust and if this is true, we believe focusing on the customer, as people, helps us develop a much more focused and effective process. To think of our customers as people, we must first define the people. If you have a customer development process, have you ...

Does the Market Know About Everything Your Company Offers?

October 27, 2022 Selling Comments Off on Does the Market Know About Everything Your Company Offers?

How can you be sure that your market knows, in detail, about your complete company offering? Do you have general branding advertising? Do you have specific target market communication campaigns? Does your sales organization have the materials necessary to communicate your complete company offering to their customers? We find the answer to these questions is generally, “NO”. In order to concept and develop the programs necessary to communicate your complete company offerings, it takes a little bit of thought, and we think, answering the following questions: “What do we sell?” “Who do/should we sell to?” If you can answer these questions for every ...

Do Your Salespeople Sell Everything You Offer?

September 29, 2022 Selling Comments Off on Do Your Salespeople Sell Everything You Offer?

Do your salespeople sell everything you offer? This seems like a silly question, but our experience shows that salespeople sell things they feel comfortable selling, that they know about in depth, and that offer the most compensation. If the above items are true, how do we get the sales organization to sell the company’s complete offering? This is a question that plagues business people and one that is not easy to answer. Many companies offer compensation incentives to incentivize their sales organization to sell what the company wants them to sell. Other companies hire specialists or training programs. It is our belief ...

Do Your Salespeople Make Enough Sales Calls?

August 23, 2022 Selling Comments Off on Do Your Salespeople Make Enough Sales Calls?

Do you salespeople make enough sales calls? Do you have a system that monitors your salespeople and the number of sales calls they make a day? Does your monitoring system include a metric for who your salespeople are calling on? Do you have a system that allows you to see the call report for each sale call? Do your salespeople make cold calls? If your salespeople do make sales calls are they planned and based on a list of targeted accounts? If the answer to any of these questions is “no”, you should consider reviewing your sales management system to ...

Do Your Salespeople Know and Manage Their Quotas?

July 27, 2022 Selling Comments Off on Do Your Salespeople Know and Manage Their Quotas?

Do you have a quota system? • If you do, is it something that you manage on a regular basis with your salespeople? • Is it part of your sales meeting agenda? • Do your salespeople pay attention to their quotas on a daily/weekly basis? If the answer to any of these questions is “no”, I would strongly suggest that you integrate this process into your sales management functions. Top performing salespeople are aware of their quotas on an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly: continuous basis. It's part of the game that motivates them. Winning is essential to the top performing sales professional. If your people aren't ...

Are You Happy with The Performance of Your Salespeople?

June 22, 2022 Selling Comments Off on Are You Happy with The Performance of Your Salespeople?

Do 20% of your salespeople sell 80% of your volume? Have you ever asked yourself this question and if the answer is yes I would suggest that you look at the skill sales sets of your salespeople and your overall sales control and reporting systems. Are your salespeople trained in professional selling skills? It has been stated many times that 80% of sales professionals have never read a sales book or been to a sales seminar. Therefore, they perform based on tribal knowledge and are not truly professional in their sales approach. The following are some questions we suggest that you ask ...

Are You Happy with Your Margins?

May 24, 2022 Selling Comments Off on Are You Happy with Your Margins?

Achieving acceptable or excellent margins it's something we all strive for. Simply said, in order to increase gross margin, we can either increase the sales dollars or decrease the material, labor and/or overhead costs. This is many times easier said than done. So how can this be accomplished? Simply increasing the sell price can cause all kinds of difficulties, most of which we do not want to happen. So, what can we do to increase our sale price while minimizing the pain? Increase value is the answer. We need a strategy that increases value, but this in itself is not easy. What can we ...

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Growth happens from an objective view. Strategen works with you to evaluate and identify the primary areas of your business that require improvement. Using our 6-point business planning process, we will develop and implement a custom-tailored strategy for your business.

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