
Are You Happy with The Performance of Your Salespeople?

June 22, 2022 Selling Comments Off on Are You Happy with The Performance of Your Salespeople?

Do 20% of your salespeople sell 80% of your volume? Have you ever asked yourself this question and if the answer is yes I would suggest that you look at the skill sales sets of your salespeople and your overall sales control and reporting systems.

Are your salespeople trained in professional selling skills? It has been stated many times that 80% of sales professionals have never read a sales book or been to a sales seminar. Therefore, they perform based on tribal knowledge and are not truly professional in their sales approach.

The following are some questions we suggest that you ask yourself and if the answers to any of the below questions is “no”, you may want to contact us as we can help rectify these situations.

  • Have all your salespeople read a sales skill book within the last two years?
  • Have all your salespeople been to a sales skills seminar in the last five years?
  • Do your salespeople set goals for each sales call?
  • Do your salespeople know what questions to ask on each sales call?
  • Are your salespeople discoverers? In other words, do they enter a discovery process or do they just present?
  • Do your salespeople organize their discovery process prior to the sales call?
  • Do your salespeople know how to close and when to close?
  • Do they have good account development habits?
    • Do they write out a sales cycle for every opportunity?
    • Do they have a written account plan for each opportunity?
    • Do they know all of their customers fiscal year and budgeting cycle?
    • Do they know all of their customers decision makers and influencers?
    • Do they bring their customers and prospective customers into your facilities to meet your people?
    • Do they know their competition and the competition’s strengths and weaknesses?
    • Do they know how to capitalize on their competition’s strengths and weaknesses

These are just a few of the account development habits your sales people should have and know how to execute. Again, if the answers to any of the above is “No”, you should give us a call.

Contact Strategen

    W5895 Pheasant Lane
    Plymouth, WI 53073


Order your copy of "Getting Off the Bid List" or "50 Habits of Top Performing Salespeople" from Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

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