
Do Your Salespeople Make Enough Sales Calls?

August 23, 2022 Selling Comments Off on Do Your Salespeople Make Enough Sales Calls?

Do you salespeople make enough sales calls? Do you have a system that monitors your salespeople and the number of sales calls they make a day? Does your monitoring system include a metric for who your salespeople are calling on? Do you have a system that allows you to see the call report for each sale call? Do your salespeople make cold calls? If your salespeople do make sales calls are they planned and based on a list of targeted accounts? If the answer to any of these questions is “no”, you should consider reviewing your sales management system to be sure you have control in each of these areas.

Depending on geography covered by a salesperson we believe each salesperson should make a minimum of three calls a day in addition to cold calls. Do your salespeople make at least 3 planned/appointment calls per day? If they do not do you know why not? Does each salesperson have a detailed targeted account plan and is this account plan managed? If the answer to any one of these questions is no you should consider reviewing your sales management system.

Let’s do the math, if each of your salespeople are making $150,000.00 per year, (this is a conservative amount) including fringes, and each of your salespeople makes three calls a day plus an assumed 2 cold calls a day, then each of your salespeople is costing you $150 a call (based on 200 work days a year). That may not seem like a lot but that means they have to produce at least $150 in gross margin per call for you to break even. Are your salespeople producing a break even gross margin?

If you are having difficulty managing your salespeople and their daily call plan, give us a call.

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    Plymouth, WI 53073


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