Company Development

How to Recruit the Right People

October 16, 2013 Company Development Comments Off on How to Recruit the Right People

By Bill Phillips, Strategen, Inc. Last month we finished with a paragraph of questions and the first of those questions was "Are you a good recruiter".  Let's dig into this question this month and see how the answers can affect your business.  To start with we can expand the "you" to ...

Are People the Key to Your Success?

August 16, 2013 Company Development Comments Off on Are People the Key to Your Success?

By Bill Phillips, Strategen, Inc. Last month we concluded the Five Essential Components to a Strategic Plan series with "Define Your Current and Future Resource Requirements" and discussed the fact that recruiting and retaining people will be your biggest challenge and potentially will have the most affect on your ability to ...

Growing Your Business In Tough Times: All the Rules have Changed

December 30, 2012 Company Development Comments Off on Growing Your Business In Tough Times: All the Rules have Changed

It used to be, just last year it seems, that there were rules; rules that governed how business was conducted, how we won business and how we lost business.  Well all the rules are gone or have changed. It use to be, just last year, if we were the lowest price ...

How to Address a Changing Economy

December 30, 2012 Company Development Comments Off on How to Address a Changing Economy

Last month’s discussion was focused on the rules and how they have changed.  This month we will focus on what we do to address these changes. If all the rules have changed then we have to change.  What was working is not and will not work in today’s market.  There are ...

Growing Your Business In Tough Times: It’s the Relationship!

December 30, 2012 Company Development Comments Off on Growing Your Business In Tough Times: It’s the Relationship!

Remember the Clinton campaign slogan “It’s the Economy Stupid”?  Well if all the rules of selling have changed, and they have, maybe a good slogan for today’s sales people is “It’s the Relationship Stupid”. This may seem too simple.  Many people look at analysis like this and say things like “it ...

Growing Your Business In Tough Times: How Do We Become Valuable?

December 30, 2012 Company Development Comments Off on Growing Your Business In Tough Times: How Do We Become Valuable?

As pointed out last month, providing the best “Financial Value” for your customers and communicating this value, high in the “Food Chain” so it makes sense and has value is what will differentiate you from all the other “Sales” people in your market. Getting this done is much easier said than ...

Making it Happen

December 30, 2012 Company Development Comments Off on Making it Happen

Last month the newsletter topic was reviewing your company’s “strengths” and developing a “SWOT” analysis. The obvious next step after the development of your companies “strengths” is the development of your company’s “weaknesses” or better said, in today’s politically correct environment, you company’s “areas for improvement”. This takes us to the next ...

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    Plymouth, WI 53073


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Growth happens from an objective view. Strategen works with you to evaluate and identify the primary areas of your business that require improvement. Using our 6-point business planning process, we will develop and implement a custom-tailored strategy for your business.

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