
Do Your Quotations Clearly Describe Customer Acceptance and Transfer of Ownership?

October 20, 2023 Selling Comments Off on Do Your Quotations Clearly Describe Customer Acceptance and Transfer of Ownership?

Over the last few months, we've been writing about the communication chain from the customer through the manufacturing function. As important, if not more important, is the understanding between you and your customer of “what constitutes the customers’ acceptance of your products or services and when transfer of ownership takes place”. We believe that it is imperative that the understanding of when the customer accepts your product or service and when they assume ownership is crucial and not one that should be verbal. During our careers we have seen many companies rely on handshakes and loosely worded quotations and as a ...

How Good is The Good Communication Between Sales and Applications Engineering?

September 28, 2023 Selling Comments Off on How Good is The Good Communication Between Sales and Applications Engineering?

Over the last few months we have been writing about the communication chain from the customer through the manufacturing function. We have noted that communication of customer expectations is critical, and often, not done with excellence. The first essential element of communication for customer expectations is the communication from the customer through the salesperson to the people that do the quoting. In many organizations this function is called Applications Engineering. How smoothly does this communication go in your organization? Are your salespeople sufficiently trained to be sure that they can communicate customer expectations accurately to the Applications Engineering group? Do your ...

How Good is The Good Communication Between Engineering and Manufacturing?

August 22, 2023 Selling Comments Off on How Good is The Good Communication Between Engineering and Manufacturing?

The topic last month was: How good is the communication between Sales and Engineering? We pointed out that this is important as engineering needs to understand “what was sold”. The same can be said for the communication between engineering and manufacturing. If engineering understands what was sold, and in a quantitative manner, including customer expectations, then it is up to engineering to communicate “what was sold” to manufacturing in a manner that manufacturing can understand and produce assuming that manufacturing has the capability to produce. Knowing manufacturing’s capabilities is crucial knowledge for engineering. Without this knowledge and the understanding that that knowledge ...

How Good is The Good Communication Between Sales and Engineering?

July 19, 2023 Selling Comments Off on How Good is The Good Communication Between Sales and Engineering?

We feel it's imperative that communication between the sales and engineering functions be excellent because engineering needs to know exactly what was sold. If engineering doesn't know, quantitatively, exactly what was sold, they will not be able to engineer to meet customer expectations! In many companies there is a “wall” between sales and engineering and in many cases the wall is almost impenetrable. In many companies sales and engineering do not get along to the point where there is real strife between the functions. The goal, and it is possible, is to have sales and engineering not only get along but ...

Do Your Design Teams Perform Service and Startup Calls?

June 27, 2023 Selling Comments Off on Do Your Design Teams Perform Service and Startup Calls?

In our previous newsletter we observed: “An engineering staff that is not capable of going to the field and working with your customers is an engineering staff that, we feel, is operating at 50%.” This observation is based on many years of experience working with engineering staffs in various businesses." We have worked with engineering staffs that never went to the field and other staffs that were required to start up and service systems that they designed. It is no surprise that the engineers that started up and serviced their systems were much better qualified and productive than those that did not. It ...

Are Your Engineers Engaged with Customers?

May 26, 2023 Selling Comments Off on Are Your Engineers Engaged with Customers?

Maybe a better question is: are your engineers capable of meeting with your customers? Many times, we feel that engineers are not sufficiently trained to meet with customers. If this is the case, we suggest that we create some kind of training so that they can meet with customers and contribute. An engineering staff that does not connect with the market, your customers and your customers’ processes, really will not contribute to the success of your business at the level they should. We believe it's critical that your entire engineering staff is literate in all your products and systems and how they are ...

Does Engineering Get Completed On Time?

March 21, 2023 Selling Comments Off on Does Engineering Get Completed On Time?

After a sale is completed and the project scope is defined, a project is generally turned over to the engineering department. Having engineering involved in a final quote process for a large project is crucial to be certain that engineering and the customer understand the customer’s requirements in exactly the same manner. This is a critical event in determining the customer gets what they expect. One might ask the question: “why is it important that we complete engineering on time?” Simply said, if engineering isn't completed on time, then all other functions will not be completed on time. This may not be ...

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