
Are Your Engineers Engaged with Customers?

May 26, 2023 Selling Comments Off on Are Your Engineers Engaged with Customers?

Maybe a better question is: are your engineers capable of meeting with your customers?

Many times, we feel that engineers are not sufficiently trained to meet with customers. If this is the case, we suggest that we create some kind of training so that they can meet with customers and contribute.

An engineering staff that does not connect with the market, your customers and your customers’ processes, really will not contribute to the success of your business at the level they should.

We believe it’s critical that your entire engineering staff is literate in all your products and systems and how they are used in your customers’ processes. Only then can your engineering staff make positive contributions to the growth of your company and its profitability.

An engineering staff that is not capable of going to the field and working with your customers is an engineering staff that we feel is operating at 50%.

We believe it is imperative that we find ways to make our engineering staff more productive.

One way to make that happen is to ensure that your engineers are capable of going to the field and working with your customers to improve their processes.

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