
Are You Happy with Your Sales Volume?

April 28, 2022 Selling Comments Off on Are You Happy with Your Sales Volume?

This seems like a very fundamental question, but I'm not sure we ask ourselves this question enough. To be happy with our sales volume, I think it's important that we have a firm understanding of what our sales expectations are, and that those expectations are communicated to all people in the organization on a regular basis. Expectations should be reported and compared with the actual results in a meaningful and consistent manner. Do you have a system that regularly, on a monthly basis, reports sales results and compares the result to a quota? Does everyone in your sales organization have a quota and are ...

Performance Questions

March 29, 2022 Selling Comments Off on Performance Questions

Have you ever asked yourself “performance” questions about your Sales Organization? Questions like: 1. Are you happy with your sales volume? 2. Are you happy with your margins? 3. Are you happy with the performance of all your salespeople? 4. Do your salespeople know and manage their quotas? 5. Do your salespeople make enough sales calls? 6. Do your salespeople sell everything you offer? 7. Does the market know everything you offer? 8. Are you happy with your customer development effort? 9. Are you happy with your Market/Customer penetration effort? If you have asked these questions, what answers have you come up with? We'd love to review these questions with you ...

Following-Up on the Close Date

February 26, 2021 Selling Comments Off on Following-Up on the Close Date

The last newsletter focused on the importance of following up. This month let's look closer at why we need to follow up on the estimated close date and the importance it has in planning and scheduling. All opportunities need a realistic estimated close date so both sales and the balance of the company can plan their next actions. From the standpoint of the sales team, when the order is going to be placed drives their schedule and effort required to verify they get the order. This in turn becomes a forecasting tool for the support required from the rest of ...


January 28, 2021 Selling Comments Off on Follow-Up

The last newsletter focused on planning.  Now let’s look at the follow-up required to support the KPI’s and your business plan.  Following-up is a key component of the sales process and many sales people struggle with it to the extent that some hardly do it.  Is it because they do not think it is worth doing?  Is it because it takes time to do taking time away from other things they believe are more important?  Regardless of why, it is critical to their success that they make following-up a habit. They have done all the work to get in front of ...


November 25, 2020 Selling Comments Off on Planning

The last newsletter focused on your "KPI's and Dashboards". Now let's look at the planning to support the KPI's. With the start of the new year just a few weeks away it is a perfect time to update or create your Strategic Plan for 2021. You have a Vision for your business and this Vision forms the basis for your Strategic Plan. Write down three or four main strategic initiatives for the overall business and two or three strategic initiatives for each main department that need to be worked on next year to support your Vision. Take these strategic initiatives and ...

KPI’s and Dashboards

October 29, 2020 Selling Comments Off on KPI’s and Dashboards

The last newsletter focused on "defining your most important measurables, Key Performance Indicators (KPI's)". Now let's look at using Dashboards to manage your KPI's. Dashboards are utilized to summarize details that are important and keep them in a place that is easy to access. For most people today, that is your computer and cell phone. Dashboards should be easy to understand and simple to follow. Great Dashboards provide current status within seconds of seeing them and can be used across the organization. This is the key to success with your Dashboards. Dashboards are created with supporting data that can be investigated ...


July 16, 2020 Selling Comments Off on KPI’s

The last newsletter focused on "getting ready" for the sales and business that is coming your way as you attack the market and win market share. Now let's look at defining the most important measurables, Key Performance Indicators (KPI's), for your organization so you know current status and can change to take advantage of situations. The definition of KPI is "a quantifiable measure used to evaluate the success of an organization, employee, etc. in meeting objectives for performance". The basis for success with KPI's lies with three concepts in this definition: Quantifiable Meeting objectives Performance For a KPI to be a ...

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    Plymouth, WI 53073


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Growth happens from an objective view. Strategen works with you to evaluate and identify the primary areas of your business that require improvement. Using our 6-point business planning process, we will develop and implement a custom-tailored strategy for your business.

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