
Making it Happen

December 30, 2012 Company Development Comments Off on Making it Happen

Last month the newsletter topic was reviewing your company’s “strengths” and developing a “SWOT” analysis. The obvious next step after the development of your companies “strengths” is the development of your company’s “weaknesses” or better said, in today’s politically correct environment, you company’s “areas for improvement”. This takes us to the next step, the development of areas of “opportunity” for the company and then the development of “threats” to the company.  Consequently the development of the “SWOT” includes the “strengths”, “weaknesses”, “opportunities” and “threats” of your company. All this takes time and energy and it is hoped that this time and energy will ...

The Strategic Plan

December 30, 2012 Strategic Planning Comments Off on The Strategic Plan

Making the Strategic Plan happen frustrates most business managers and owners.  This, we believe, is because most Owner/Managers do not like to or are not oriented to manage the people to “Do THEIR JOBS” Many Owner/Managers, we know, do not believe or want to believe that they should have to manage people to “DO THEIR JOBS”.  They believe that people should “know what to do” and just “do it”.  These Owner/Managers know what They are supposed to do and they do it.  So they cannot understand why they should have to follow up with their people to make sure their people ...

Implementing The Strategic Plan

December 30, 2012 Strategic Planning Comments Off on Implementing The Strategic Plan

Last month we discussed “Making the Strategic Plan Happen” and how this is difficult because most owner/managers believe their people should somehow “know how to do their jobs” and get it done.  This is frustrating to both employee and owner/manager as the employee is lost and the owner/manager is at a loss as to how to get the plan implemented. For the most part neither, the owner/manager or the employee, has successfully implemented a Strategic Plan before, and they both have a pile of day to day work that “takes all their time.”  So, their position is; “how am I suppose ...

Driving the Strategic Plan

December 30, 2012 Strategic Planning Comments Off on Driving the Strategic Plan

We have developed the “What we sell” and “To whom we will sell it” and we feel good.  We have determined that there is a market for “what we sell” and the market is, in fact, large enough to support the Strategic Plan. Now what? How do we get it going and keep it going?  Focus and follow up are the key words to implementation and these are the most common areas of failure for most managers and business owners.  Keeping people focused on the areas that will promote the implementation of the Strategic Plan requires continuous follow up and this ...

Who (Really) is in the Way of the Strategic Plan?

December 30, 2012 Strategic Planning Comments Off on Who (Really) is in the Way of the Strategic Plan?

So the plan does not happen unless there is constant, focused follow up that keeps those responsible focused and productive.  If you don’t follow up, it does not happen.  So if you don’t follow up, who will? It’s one of the biggest conundrums facing small and medium size growing companies.  In many cases the person charged with the implementation of the strategic plan either does not have the time to do the follow up or is not inclined to do it.  So what is the answer? While there is no single answer, no silver bullet, there are definite steps that can ...

Back to Basics – How to Sell

December 30, 2012 Back to Basics Comments Off on Back to Basics – How to Sell

Over the last year I have been focused on the Strategic Plan and its drafting and implementation.  I think I have covered the topic in enough detail and some readers have asked that I change focus and “Get Back to Basics.”  The “Basics” that most want me to write about is the SALE and how I advise companies to go about selling. In previous newsletters the sales process has been discussed in detail with focus on defining the market, in detail, and describing the companies in the market and the people within those companies as “Targets.”  This approach requires that the ...

The Target List

December 30, 2012 Back to Basics Comments Off on The Target List

Last month I suggested that we all get “Back to Basics” and develop and implement a proactive Market Plan.  The plan starts with the fundamental statement of “What you sell and to whom you will sell it.”  This statement defines what your company does well, what your company does that delivers value to the market and your company and who in the market needs what you do well. Developing the list of “who in the market needs what you do well” is not a difficult task and is a task that all of you can do with a little effort.  Start ...

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    Plymouth, WI 53073


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Why Strategen?

Growth happens from an objective view. Strategen works with you to evaluate and identify the primary areas of your business that require improvement. Using our 6-point business planning process, we will develop and implement a custom-tailored strategy for your business.

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