
It takes Action

December 30, 2012 Selling Comments Off on It takes Action

Have you ever sat down and reviewed what you and your associates consider to be your company strengths?  I mean really think about, discuss and debate “what are the core strengths of your company internally and externally”? What are the company’s strengths from an internal skill and process stand point and what are your company’s strengths from an external skill and process stand point?  Once you have this detailed and there is consensus from your associates what do you think you should do with this information? Many companies go through an exhausting process of defining the company “Mission”, move on to a ...

How to turn a “Target” into a customer

December 30, 2012 Selling Comments Off on How to turn a “Target” into a customer

So how do we turn a “Target” into a customer? While there is no “Magic Method”, there is no substitute for hard work focused on the objective. The objective is clear; there is a list so the end game is focused. Keeping the end game in focus is difficult because day to day business gets in the way of making progress penetrating the “Targets.” Both the sales people and management must keep the focus on the proactively develop “Targets. Failure is guaranteed if focus is lost. Developing the “Targets” requires a combination of well designed and focused market communications, cold calls and ...

Creating Your Customer List

December 30, 2012 Customer List Comments Off on Creating Your Customer List

Last month we discussed the development of the “Strategic Statement” of what we sell and to whom we will sell our product or service. We decide to whom we will sell and do so proactively based on the value we have brought to similar industries and companies within these proactively defined targets. We do this by developing a list of customers, with whom, we have had successful sales and, with which we have developed close working relationships. These customers will be the basis for the development of our list of target customers that will be proactively developed. Once this list is developed ...

Are Your People On the Same Page?

December 30, 2012 Selling Comments Off on Are Your People On the Same Page?

What do you sell and to whom you sell it seem like very simple concepts and concepts one would think would be easily articulated.  Not True! A good deal of our effort is spent being sure our clients have a good handle on these issues and that all team members are on the same page. Imagine if management has a different view of these issues than the people actually in the market selling.  The possible consequences of this could be catastrophic! What if all involved had the same perception of these issues but there was not a market for the company’s offerings or ...

Back To Basics: Who Do You Sell To?

December 30, 2012 Back to Basics Comments Off on Back To Basics: Who Do You Sell To?

Last month we reviewed the most important fundamental question any business owner or executive can ask to provide direction for business planning and that is:  “What do I sell”.  Only after a clear understanding of the answer to this question is established can one begin to draft a business plan. If “What you sell” does not have a market then a series of problems will arise and must be addressed.  But if a market does exists and you can define “Who you should sell to” based on “What you sell”, then you have the basis for a “Strategic” business plan.  Being ...

Back to Basics: What Do You Sell?

December 30, 2012 Back to Basics Comments Off on Back to Basics: What Do You Sell?

Over the last few months we have been discussing sales approaches involved in prospecting and cold calling.  All this is good but how does one start? Where does the direction come from?  How do we know on whom to call? The basics start with a concise and accurate statement of “What do we Sell”.  Very few business owners, CEO’s or top management people can, in our experience, make a short (2 to 3 sentence) meaningful statement of what they sell. We submit that without this fundamental statement, the basics of one’s business and the direction of ALL those involved in the business ...

Drafting the Strategic Plan

December 30, 2012 Strategic Planning Comments Off on Drafting the Strategic Plan

So, we have decided that a “Strategic Statement” of what the company sells is the first step in drafting a Strategic Plan. We have decided that this should be stated in 1 to 2 sentences and all key people must buy into this statement. While this sounds easy, it is not, and it is the most important step in drafting the Plan as everything in the plan will be developed from this single statement. We have focused 3 newsletters on this topic in the hope that it will drive home the importance of this step. We know that this step is ...

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    Plymouth, WI 53073


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Why Strategen?

Growth happens from an objective view. Strategen works with you to evaluate and identify the primary areas of your business that require improvement. Using our 6-point business planning process, we will develop and implement a custom-tailored strategy for your business.

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