Tying Employee Performance to the Strategic Plan (Part 6)

Continuing the discussion this month with "Visual Management to Show Continuous Progress and Status”, let's look deeper into how to define and use visual management tools. The key to visual management is that it needs to be easy for people to use and the information displayed needs to drive improvements ...

Tying Employee Performance to the Strategic Plan (Part 1)

For the past several months we have been looking at building a great team of employees and how important it is that your team understands your Strategic Plan and your Vision. Now let’s turn our focus to the performance of this great team of people and how their performance impacts ...

Drafting the Strategic Plan
I think we have a handle on the “implementation” phase of the Strategic Plan and have recognized that resource allocation is crucial to the successful “implementation” of the Strategic Plan. But where does one start in the development of the Strategic Plan? There are many schools of thought and most of ...

Drafting the Strategic Plan: Part 2
Last month I discussed the first step in the Strategic Plan drafting process. The first step is a Strategic statement of what the company sells. I pointed out that this statement “must be stated in one to two sentences and be clearly stated and agreed to by all the key ...

Drafting the Strategic Plan
So, we have decided that a “Strategic Statement” of what the company sells is the first step in drafting a Strategic Plan. We have decided that this should be stated in 1 to 2 sentences and all key people must buy into this statement. While this sounds easy, it is ...

The Strategic Plan
Making the Strategic Plan happen frustrates most business managers and owners. This, we believe, is because most Owner/Managers do not like to or are not oriented to manage the people to “Do THEIR JOBS” Many Owner/Managers, we know, do not believe or want to believe that they should have to manage ...

Implementing The Strategic Plan
Last month we discussed “Making the Strategic Plan Happen” and how this is difficult because most owner/managers believe their people should somehow “know how to do their jobs” and get it done. This is frustrating to both employee and owner/manager as the employee is lost and the owner/manager is at ...

Driving the Strategic Plan
We have developed the “What we sell” and “To whom we will sell it” and we feel good. We have determined that there is a market for “what we sell” and the market is, in fact, large enough to support the Strategic Plan. Now what? How do we get it going ...

Who (Really) is in the Way of the Strategic Plan?

So the plan does not happen unless there is constant, focused follow up that keeps those responsible focused and productive. If you don’t follow up, it does not happen. So if you don’t follow up, who will? It’s one of the biggest conundrums facing small and medium size growing companies. In ...