Customer Relations

Do Prospects Know, Like and Trust You?

December 30, 2012 Customer Relations Comments Off on Do Prospects Know, Like and Trust You?

Doing business in today’s business climate is making many people take another look at how they sell. It is almost like the clock is being turned back 20 to 30 years. People who are using “today’s” traditional methods such as emails, websites, trade shows, trade journals and “one way” direct mail ...

Email and Phone Calls Don’t End in a Handshake

December 30, 2012 Customer Relations Comments Off on Email and Phone Calls Don’t End in a Handshake

Growing Your Business In Tough Times: Email and Phone Calls Don’t End in a Handshake Over the last few months we have been discussing the importance of focusing the market plan toward a predetermined group of “Target” prospects.  We have also discussed having and exerting ones “Will” in the execution of ...

Email and Phone Calls Don’t End in a Handshake (Continued)

December 30, 2012 Customer Relations Comments Off on Email and Phone Calls Don’t End in a Handshake (Continued)

Last month we discussed the importance of a relationship by pointing out that “Emails and Phone Calls Do Not End in a Handshake”.  A friend of ours sent us an email and mentioned the above phrase and we shared it with you.  These few words say volumes. Putting the philosophy of ...

If It’s All About the Relationship, How Do We Get them?

December 30, 2012 Customer Relations Comments Off on If It’s All About the Relationship, How Do We Get them?

Doing your homework is the obvious first step.  Be sure your target companies have the ability to derive value from your product/service offering and be sure you know the “FINANCIAL  VALUE” your product/service offering actually brings to your targets. Be able to state the “FINANCIAL VALUE” of your product/service in terms ...

How Do We Develop the Relationship And Create “Wins” for All Involved?

December 30, 2012 Customer Relations Comments Off on How Do We Develop the Relationship And Create “Wins” for All Involved?

Last month we discussed how becoming valuable can differentiate you from all the other sales people in your market.  This value you can provide, through your products/services, is what establishes the basis for the relationship and the “Wins”.  The more “Wins” the better the relationships. We believe the first step to ...

“It’s the Relationship Stupid”

December 30, 2012 Customer Relations Comments Off on “It’s the Relationship Stupid”

Growing Your Business In Tough Times: It’s the Relationship! Remember the Clinton campaign slogan “It’s the Economy Stupid”?  Well if all the rules of selling have changed, and they have, maybe a good slogan for today’s sales people is “It’s the Relationship Stupid”. This may seem too simple.  Many people look at ...

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