
How Am I Going To Change?

April 30, 2020 Selling Comments Off on How Am I Going To Change?

By Bill Phillips, Strategen, Inc. What a time to be a business owner! Your world has changed and no matter what business you are in, things are different today than you forecasted and planned for just a few months ago at the start of the year. As we move forward, your world is going to continue to change and nobody can tell you exactly what it will look like or be like for your business, your employees and your customers. What a challenge. But you are not in business because it is easy or safe. You are in business to make money ...

Setting SMART Goals

November 27, 2019 Selling Comments Off on Setting SMART Goals

With the new year just around the corner, many are working on developing goals and objectives for next year making this a great time to review this process. When developing your goals, is it best to have company goals and department goals that align with the direction you need to head as a company. At the core should be your company Vision and Strategic Plan with Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) that define the direction you want to head. With these in hand, you can develop supporting goals with objectives to drive the direction ...

Managing your Opportunities

November 13, 2019 Selling Comments Off on Managing your Opportunities

The last newsletter discussed the third component of managing the Opportunity Log, knowing the probability that you will get the order when it is placed for each opportunity so you can manage your opportunities and close enough sales to meet your quota. Now that you have an up-to-date Opportunity Log with estimated close dates, status, and probability defined, you and your sales team can plan and execute to maximize results. The key is to be in the right place at the right time and you can use the Opportunity Log to plan where you need to be and who you need to call ...

Do Your Sales People Have Enough Opportunities?

May 30, 2019 Selling Comments Off on Do Your Sales People Have Enough Opportunities?

The last newsletter discussed how having and making the sales quota is critical to the success of the organization and individual sales person. The "Individual Sales Plan" we discussed will define the quota that the sales person needs to meet and the way to meet this quota is to close opportunities. The sales persons opportunities will be listed in their Opportunity Log that we discussed last month with a realistic estimated close date, the status of the opportunity within the customer's system and the probability that you will get the order when ...

Do Your Sales People Make Their Quotas?

February 27, 2019 Selling Comments Off on Do Your Sales People Make Their Quotas?

The last newsletter discussed how critical to success having an "Individual Sales Plan" is for the sales person and can help separate those that sell from those that do not. A key component of this plan is the sales quota. A sales quota is the minimum assigned individual sales target for a specified period expressed in dollars or number of products or services sold. Typically, a sales organization is assigned a yearly sales target, a quota, that they are expected to sell to meet the goals of the Strategic Plan and provide the revenue to fund the balance ...

Key Components to an Individual Sales Plan

January 31, 2019 Selling Comments Off on Key Components to an Individual Sales Plan

The last newsletter reviewed the "conviction to do what is right" and mentioned that "Top Performers" "believe in what they are selling" and are comfortable talking about the features and benefits of their products or service and connecting these to solutions. The concept of "Believe in What You're Selling" is critical to success in sales and can separate those that sell from those that do not. Think about this for a minute, with the right kind and amount of training, sales people can learn the features and benefits of products and services so they are armed with the basic information they ...

Believe in What You’re Selling

November 15, 2018 Selling Comments Off on Believe in What You’re Selling

The last newsletter reviewed the "conviction to do what is right" and mentioned that "Top Performers" "believe in what they are selling" and are comfortable talking about the features and benefits of their products or service and connecting these to solutions. The concept of "Believe in What You're Selling" is critical to success in sales and can separate those that sell from those that do not.  Think about this for a minute, with the right kind and amount of training, sales people can learn the features and benefits of products and services so they are armed with the basic information they ...

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    W5895 Pheasant Lane
    Plymouth, WI 53073


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Why Strategen?

Growth happens from an objective view. Strategen works with you to evaluate and identify the primary areas of your business that require improvement. Using our 6-point business planning process, we will develop and implement a custom-tailored strategy for your business.

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