
Why Would Anybody Buy What you Sell?

April 30, 2013 Selling Comments Off on Why Would Anybody Buy What you Sell?

In the previous few months you defined your products and/or services and your value proposition, so now it is time to look at why people buy what you sell.  Have you ever asked your customers why they buy what you sell?  If so, did you write it down or can you write it down now?  Have you ever asked your sales organization the same question?  Once you have the answers, from your customers and your sales organization, review them and see if they match your “answers.”

I hope that you see these “answers” match the value proposition that you have drafted previously.  If these “answers” do not match” you should revisit both your sales people and your customers to verify and be sure you have a “legitimate” value proposition.  It is critical that your value proposition is “legitimate” and all the people in the sales organization, and for that matter, your entire organization know and buy into your value proposition.  You have to know why people buy your product/service so you know how to leverage these reasons to make others want to buy from you.

Who better to tell you why they buy than your best customers?  Who better to tell your new or prospective customers why they should buy what you sell then your best customers?  Developing testimonials and communicating testimonials inside and outside of your business is critical to good market communication and business development.  Knowing the basics as to why people buy what you sell opens the door to sell more and more.

Remember two critical things. 

First, no matter how hard you work to define your product/service, its place in the market and how you communicate with the market, the market and your customers are continuously making adjustments.  The market is a living breathing thing and must be monitored. This is why your business plan is a living, breathing document and must be managed.   Secondly, you have to implement your plan.  Great plans have been created that have never seen the light of day because people did not do the hard work associated with implementation.  Coaching these skills is a critical part of what we do.  We are here to help you develop and implement your Strategic Plan and coach and develop the skills to implement the plan successfully.

We are having great success coaching and implementing these methods and skills and our clients love it!

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    W5895 Pheasant Lane
    Plymouth, WI 53073


Order your copy of "Getting Off the Bid List" or "50 Habits of Top Performing Salespeople" from Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

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Growth happens from an objective view. Strategen works with you to evaluate and identify the primary areas of your business that require improvement. Using our 6-point business planning process, we will develop and implement a custom-tailored strategy for your business.

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