
Tying Employee Performance to the Strategic Plan (Part 4)

February 21, 2014 Selling Comments Off on Tying Employee Performance to the Strategic Plan (Part 4)

By Bill Phillips, Strategen, Inc.

Continuing the discussion of the “Follow up to determine progress” step of our three step process for Tying Employee Performance to the Strategic Plan let’s look at how important this step is.  We ended last month with:

This “Follow up” function is the coaching function.  It is the “tape” that is viewed after practice and the games.  It is the “Feed Back” that is required to improve. And it is the one thing most managers do not do because they do not know how, are uncomfortable evaluating performance or they would just rather not coach – they would rather play the game. True “Management” is coaching.

Follow up is a tool to be used to improve people and processes by leveraging realistic, simple and attainable metrics that are tied to the Strategic Plan, the organization and the individual.  It is critical that senior management understands their role in the implementation of these functions and remains committed to do the work necessary to support their team.

The owner or the CEO has to support the senior managers; the senior managers have to support their people and so on.  We discussed the importance of the team understanding the plan and the measurables so they have a clear understanding of management expectations.

Now it is time to collect the data, manage the people and processes, drive the changes, adjust to the changes and maintain the focus on where the organization is headed as defined by the Strategic Plan.  At this point most companies struggle tying performance to the Strategic Plan.  They struggle because the process takes work!  It takes commitment and it is not easy!

Everybody is busy doing all the day to day “things” they have to do and many believe they do not have time for all the extra work of measuring, collecting, checking, analyzing, making decisions on what needs to be done and then taking action.

This is common among owners and CEO’s.  They are usually the busiest people in the organization and have task after task that occupies their day.  Couple that with the fact that, for many, this “follow up stuff” is not fun or they believe they are not good at it so they put it off or do not do it.  It is important to keep in mind that follow up is not just a daily, weekly or monthly meeting with the team.

While meetings are needed and critical to keeping people focused, follow up extends far beyond meetings.  Follow up is the day to day, short discussion focused on the “Plan.”  These short meetings develop and further communicate expectations and when handled properly result in the coaching moments that are vital to plan success.

We have to meet, plan, coordinate, collect data, analyze, report, make changes and implement new “things”.  Most of all we have to coach.  Coaching and mentoring are what people need most from their managers and peers. The fruit of coaching and mentoring is leadership and leadership is crucial to the follow up process.

Leader’s lead and followers follow and this leads to the basic problem many people have with the follow up step and that problem is dealing with lack of performance.  The performance of individuals and teams has to be addressed and supported when we find positives and modified when we find negatives.  This can lead to confrontation and many times tough situations that require tough action.

We find that many people do not like dealing with the confrontation and shy away from the real coaching opportunity that these situations provide.

Coaching these skills is a critical part of what we do.  We are here to help you develop and implement your Strategic Plan and coach and develop the skills to implement the plan successfully.

We are having great success coaching and implementing these methods and skills and our clients love it!

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    W5895 Pheasant Lane
    Plymouth, WI 53073


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