
Habit 35: Who’s Really Involved?

February 27, 2017 Selling Comments Off on Habit 35: Who’s Really Involved?

To continue with the “Account Development Habits”, let’s look at Habit 35: Who’s Really Involved?

Sometimes the “Sales Cycle”, takes so many turns and so many different events happen that you might lose track of who, on the prospect/customer’s team is really involved in the decision making process.You must know who is involved and ask until you get the answer. You ask:

  • Who else will be involved in making the purchase decision?
  • Who else will be involved in this project?
  • Will anyone else be involved in this project?
  • Will anyone else be involved in making the decision?
  • Are there other people who might be involved in making the final decision?
  • Who are the people that will have an influence on the final decision?
  • What are the roles of all the people who will be involved in the final decision?
  • And similar questions.

Questions such as these must to be asked so that you can have a clear picture of all of the customer/prospect players and their impact in determining your fate. You simply cannot allow a customer/prospect to control your fate. You need to do everything that you possibly can to understand all the people that will be involved in the buy decision, the roles that they will play in the buy decision and the impact that they will have on the final decision.

If you are unable to determine information, maybe because your primary contact is a “gatekeeper” and will not allow you through the gate, it should tell you something about the likely outcome. I’m a firm believer that you must be in control of the project and have open access to all the people that will impact the buy decision or the likelihood of success is slim. This has been proven to me time and time again.

Habit 35: Know all the customer/prospect players, their roles and their impact at each point of the sales cycle.

“A Habit” is not work, but just a thing that is done every day and knowing all the customer/prospect players, their roles and their impact at each point of the sales cycle is critical to your success in sales and can easily become a Habit.

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