
Who should I sell to?

December 30, 2012 Selling Comments Off on Who should I sell to?

So if you have a good handle on “What you sell” and “Who you sell it to”, how do you determine “Who else you should sell to”?  This is a critical question and one we work with clients every day to answer.  It gets down to stating and gaining consensus as to “What do you do Well”.

What do you do well from the customer’s perspective?  What do you do that makes them money, not saves them money, but MAKES them money?  Do you know the value, in terms of dollars, that your product and service delivers to your customers?  If you do not, this is the place to start when developing “Who should I sell to”.

Interview your present customers.  Review the most current closed sales and maybe some new opportunities and ask them to help you determine the value, in dollars, you product or service brought or will bring to the past or current projects.  Write each of these up in the form of a justification and develop an understanding of these justifications with all your sale people.  Now you are ready to discuss “Who else should we sell to”.

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    Plymouth, WI 53073


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