
The Art of Cold Calling

December 30, 2012 Selling Comments Off on The Art of Cold Calling

It is not a question that Cold Calling is a necessity.  The question is: How to Cold Call and do it to produce success.

In the last few months we have been talking about “Prospecting” and the necessity for successful sales people to know how to prospect and in fact conduct a continuous prospecting effort.  A successful prospecting effort requires “Cold Calling”.  The trick then is to get sales people to make productive and organized cold calls that are directed at target companies that are known to have a product or service need that fits the company’s offering.

All this takes research, which takes effort and this effort needs to be expended so the sales people are not wasting their valuable time Cold Calling companies that are not proper targets.

Developing and implementing a marketing effort that includes all the above and the control and market communications necessary to support the effort and insure its success requires know how, patients, persistence and commitment.

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