
Setting SMART Goals

November 27, 2019 Selling Comments Off on Setting SMART Goals

With the new year just around the corner, many are working on developing goals and objectives for next year making this a great time to review this process. When developing your goals, is it best to have company goals and department goals that align with the direction you need to head as a company.

At the core should be your company Vision and Strategic Plan with Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) that define the direction you want to head. With these in hand, you can develop supporting goals with objectives to drive the direction for you and your team. For many, developing these goals is not an easy task and all too often this important step is overlooked, and teams struggle to make the progress required to meet the Vision.

A major part of developing good goals is having good KPI’s that are aligned with the Vision and Strategic Plan. With solid KPI’s you can develop supporting goals that drive the teams efforts. Typically, goals are larger picture actions that are supported by two to three defined, measurable objectives that are written down and communicated to the team.


In the process of developing your goals, you can work on creating SMART Goals. SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time bound and tie some of the details in the objectives right into the goals. Creating SMART goals should give your goals the details and focus to set your teams up for successful implementation.

Having two to three overall company goals supported by two to three individual department goals both supported with respective objectives will structure a solid plan for the company for next year. Attaining buy in and communicating these goals and objectives to your whole team will set the company up to successfully attain the goals next year. Then managing the processes towards meeting the goals becomes a main function of management as the implementation takes place and team members do their part to succeed.

“A Habit” is not work, but just a thing that is done every day and defining your company and department goals, communicating them and managing their implementation is critical to your success in sales and can easily become a Habit.

TIME MANAGEMENT. For Top Performers every task is planned and focused on the goals that earn the results. Top Performers plan and then engage. They act on their plans, they work hard and they get results.

Coaching these skills is a critical part of what we do. We are here to help you develop and implement your Strategic Plan and coach and develop the skills to implement the plan successfully.

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    W5895 Pheasant Lane
    Plymouth, WI 53073


Order your copy of "Getting Off the Bid List" or "50 Habits of Top Performing Salespeople" from Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

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Growth happens from an objective view. Strategen works with you to evaluate and identify the primary areas of your business that require improvement. Using our 6-point business planning process, we will develop and implement a custom-tailored strategy for your business.

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