Growing Your Business In Tough Times: All the Rules have Changed

It used to be, just last year it seems, that there were rules; rules that governed how business was conducted, how we won business and how we lost business. Well all the rules are gone or have changed.
It use to be, just last year, if we were the lowest price we won and if we were high we lost. It used to be, just last year it seems, that if we quoted enough we would get the business we needed to hit our profit targets. It used to be that the phone was ringing off the hook and we had trouble keeping up with quotation requests. Well not anymore. The rules have changed and most of us are not in the loop.
The companies that are increasing business and market share are those who understand and can communicate value. They are target marketers and develop and execute market/business plans that capitalize on these bits of knowledge and do it with excellence and junk yard dog tenacity.
We are having great success teaching and implementing these methods and our clients love it!