
Do Your Salespeople Sell Everything You Offer?

September 29, 2022 Selling Comments Off on Do Your Salespeople Sell Everything You Offer?

Do your salespeople sell everything you offer? This seems like a silly question, but our experience shows that salespeople sell things they feel comfortable selling, that they know about in depth, and that offer the most compensation.

If the above items are true, how do we get the sales organization to sell the company’s complete offering? This is a question that plagues business people and one that is not easy to answer.

Many companies offer compensation incentives to incentivize their sales organization to sell what the company wants them to sell. Other companies hire specialists or training programs. It is our belief that it must be a combination of all the above.

Incentives by themselves won’t work. Specialists by themselves won’t work and training by itself will not work. The development of a program that includes a combination of these items is sometimes tricky and is business/product/service dependent.

If you are having difficulty motivating your sales team to sell what you want them to sell, give us a call at 920-889-6956.




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