
Do Your Design Teams Perform Service and Startup Calls?

June 27, 2023 Selling Comments Off on Do Your Design Teams Perform Service and Startup Calls?

In our previous newsletter we observed:

“An engineering staff that is not capable of going to the field and working with your customers is an engineering staff that, we feel, is operating at 50%.” This observation is based on many years of experience working with engineering staffs in various businesses.”

We have worked with engineering staffs that never went to the field and other staffs that were required to start up and service systems that they designed. It is no surprise that the engineers that started up and serviced their systems were much better qualified and productive than those that did not.

It baffles us that companies continue to allow engineers to design in a vacuum! We can’t understand how design groups can design without practical, hands on, experience. We understand it is difficult, in today’s environment, to motivate people to go to the field for any period of time.

While it is difficult, we still feel it is a requirement and believe that with proper incentives and recruitment, companies can build the kind of engineering groups that have practical experience that is valuable to the market. Management simply needs to make it a priority.

We would love the opportunity to discuss this topic with you and develop the systems necessary to produce design groups that bring real value to the market.

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    W5895 Pheasant Lane
    Plymouth, WI 53073


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