
Do You Know Why a Customer Should Buy From You? (Part 2)

September 18, 2024 Selling Comments Off on Do You Know Why a Customer Should Buy From You? (Part 2)

Last month we asked the title question: “Do you know why customers should buy from you?” and we listed 4 bullet points. In today’s newsletter we will want to discuss in more detail the first question we asked, which was:

“Do you have a firm grasp of how your product or service integrates with customer processes and the value that integration brings to your customer?”

The truly professional salesperson is a value-oriented salesperson. One who can communicate the value their company’s product or service can bring to the customer. It is virtually impossible to do this without understanding the customer’s processes or how its product/service is used in the marketplace. This takes work. The work requires us to spend time and effort to study the market and define the customers within that market that can be best impacted by your product/service. That work and effort cannot be expended efficiently unless we delve into what the customers within that market actually do and how they do it. This requires getting into the customers’ facilities and understanding what it is they do and how they do it. Only then can we determine how our product or service brings value to these markets and these customers.

So, to be truly professional we need to do the work!

If you need help developing these skills, we’d love to help you!

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    W5895 Pheasant Lane
    Plymouth, WI 53073


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