Are your projects completed at or below budget expectations?

Completing projects or delivering products at or below your budgeted cost expectations is critical in meeting financial projections for your company. While this is intuitively obvious, our experience tells us that the metrics required to determine this on a real time basis is something that is not necessarily an active function within all businesses.
Do you have the metrics in place to determine accurately your cost performance for your projects or your products? Are these metrics reviewed in real time? And do you have a feedback system that incorporates these metrics into a “root cause” and “corrective action” evaluation and solutions system?
The answers to the above questions may surprise most of you. Many companies believe that their systems are in fact “real time” but in fact are monthly or quarterly reporting systems that may or may not get into significant depth to determine the root cause of any “cost” to “budget” discrepancies.
We have a track record of developing and implementing strategies and tactics that improve performance to complete projects and products on time, on budget and that meet expectations. Let’s talk.