Are You Happy With the Performance of Your Manufacturing Team?

Do you have a set of metrics to determine the performance of your manufacturing team? Are these metrics broken into subgroups for each manufacturing department? Another way to ask the question is how do you know if you’re manufacturing team is performing at peak performance? Are there key performance indicators that you should be measuring to determine manufacturing performance?
In our experience we’ve discovered 2 performance metrics that, if measured for each sub function in manufacturing, can provide a good picture of overall manufacturing performance. Those metrics are staying within budgeted hours and completing the function (or delivering) on time.
Many manufacturing managers have difficulty with these two metrics as they say, “at times these metrics are too subjective”. When we encounter this kind of response, we know there’s other issues at work.
Many times, it’s not easy to set up the system to measure these key performance indicators. Initially it looks like an insurmountable task, one that might require many hours to set up. However, when viewed objectively it is a simple matter of measuring what was promised in the work of the quotation from an hour standpoint and the commitment made to the customer for a delivery date. Simply working these things backwards through the manufacturing process will provide the system necessary to measure these metrics.
We can tell you that once these systems are installed the actual results measured in customer satisfaction and profitability are immense.