
If It’s All About the Relationship, How Do We Get them?

December 30, 2012 Customer Relations Comments Off on If It’s All About the Relationship, How Do We Get them?

Doing your homework is the obvious first step.  Be sure your target companies have the ability to derive value from your product/service offering and be sure you know the “FINANCIAL  VALUE” your product/service offering actually brings to your targets.

Be able to state the “FINANCIAL VALUE” of your product/service in terms of the target business.  The “VALUE” should be expressed in the terms and vernacular of the target business and and in a manner that the person with which you are communicating will understand and be comfortable.

Plan the attack by defining the target companies and the target people within these companies.  Decide how and whom you will attack and execute the plan.

Be sure you are communicating at the right level within the target companies.  The level is the right level, if the “FINANCIAL VALUE” you communicate makes sense to the audience.  If it doesn’t make sense to the audience, you have the wrong target company or the wrong audience. You may need to choose a different company or climb the “food chain”.

Why should the value message (some call this the “value proposition”) be a “FINANCIAL VALUE” statement of value?  The answer is simple.  Companies invest or buy expense items because these items make them money.  The item that makes them the most money “WINS”.

Providing your target person with the means to get “FINANCIAL WINS” BUILDS RELATIONSHIPS!

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