
How Do We Develop the Relationship And Create “Wins” for All Involved?

December 30, 2012 Customer Relations Comments Off on How Do We Develop the Relationship And Create “Wins” for All Involved?

Last month we discussed how becoming valuable can differentiate you from all the other sales people in your market.  This value you can provide, through your products/services, is what establishes the basis for the relationship and the “Wins”.  The more “Wins” the better the relationships.

We believe the first step to becoming the successful, true professional in sales and in business, for that matter, is the realization that providing financial value to your market is fundamental and therefore structuring the market approach around providing financial value is crucial to this success.  People buy from people they know, like and trust.  Getting target people in target companies to know, like and trust you ain’t easy.  They need a reason and it has to be something other than your good looks.

The target people in your target companies have confidence in people (hopefully you) that bring them the solutions focused on their business, processes and methods.  This approach breeds confidence and therefore improves the relationship and therefore allows you more opportunities to create “Wins”.

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