
Email and Phone Calls Don’t End in a Handshake (Continued)

December 30, 2012 Customer Relations Comments Off on Email and Phone Calls Don’t End in a Handshake (Continued)

Last month we discussed the importance of a relationship by pointing out that “Emails and Phone Calls Do Not End in a Handshake”.  A friend of ours sent us an email and mentioned the above phrase and we shared it with you.  These few words say volumes.

Putting the philosophy of this phrase into practice can be a most difficult task.  The process flies in the face of all the “NEW” market approaches.  Implementation obviously requires a plan, management support, training, commitment, will, follow up and people to execute the plan.

How does one start?  It may seem simple and old fashion but the “Cold Call” is the secret to the success of relationship building and without solid relationships you and your company are just another company that has difficulty developing business with new customers.  If you don’t need new customers, great, but I doubt that anyone who reads this Sales Letter is in that boat.

Next month we will discuss the “Cold Call” process.  The mention of “Cold Calls” scares most business owners, executives and sales people.  “Come on?”, “are you serious?”  Most say, “This approach was obsolete 20 years ago.”  “Now we have the Internet, cheap phone service and travel is expensive”.

Next month we will review what we say!

We are having great success teaching and implementing these methods and our clients love it!

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    Plymouth, WI 53073


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