
Do Prospects Know, Like and Trust You?

December 30, 2012 Customer Relations Comments Off on Do Prospects Know, Like and Trust You?

Doing business in today’s business climate is making many people take another look at how they sell. It is almost like the clock is being turned back 20 to 30 years.

People who are using “today’s” traditional methods such as emails, websites, trade shows, trade journals and “one way” direct mail and then waiting for the phone to ring are finding: the phone isn’t ringing and business stinks.  Many of these people are struggling to stay in business!

One fundamental that has not changed with the internet and all the “new” methods is that “people buy from people they know, like and trust” and this cannot be achieved by waiting for the phone to ring.

Today’s sales people do not know how to prospect and develop business and if they do they resist it because it is “too much work”.  It is hard work, but necessary, and it pays off.

We are having great success teaching and implementing “old” prospecting and business development methods and our clients love it!

But the question remains…if we must be known, liked and trusted in order for people/prospects/customers to buy from us, how do we make this happen?

The answer is developing and implementing proactive market strategies focused on developing new relationships and improving existing relationships.  It’s ALL about relationships and we cannot develop these all important relationships sitting in our offices waiting for the phone to ring, going to trade shows, and advertising in trade journals.  These are the “old” ways, let us show you the “new” ways.

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    W5895 Pheasant Lane
    Plymouth, WI 53073


Order your copy of "Getting Off the Bid List" or "50 Habits of Top Performing Salespeople" from Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

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